Since many families will have child care subsidies and Act 166, we will send out bi-weekly invoices.

Deposit Policy:

We require a 2 week deposit to secure a spot. The deposit is non-refundable, and will cover your last two weeks of enrollment as long as you give a one month notice.


We bill bi-weekly at the weekly rate for two weeks at a time. Invoices are due on the Sunday before the start of the week.

Full time care without any subsidies is $440 a week for 5 days. Part time is $95 per day. We offer 2,3, and 5 day options. Without any assistance, the weekly costs are:

5 days $440
3 days $285
2 days $190
Extra day: $95

Hold The Space Policy:

If a space becomes available but you are not ready to use it, you may chose to stay on the waitlist or pay 50% tuition to ensure that spot until you are able to start.

Waitlist Policy:

There is no fee to join or be on our waitlist! If our program has openings we contact families from our waitlist who’s child matches the age range of the spot available. We will contact families in the order they join our waitlist. We do give priority to families who already have a child enrolled in our program.